“Medjugorje is a light shinning into the darkness of the world,
so people can find their way to the light once again.”
(excerpt from media interview
with special Pope Francis envoy to Medjugorje, Archbishop Henryk Hoser.)
The Press Conference with Envoy Bishop Henryk Hoser
By Michael K. Jones
A Prayer to Gospa
Oh dear Mother Mary, give us joy in our hearts to work in the fields of your Son, spreading the message of "Peace, Love, and Hope" that never disappoints. Guide your children with good grace to be as little lights in the world, shinning into the dark place. In the strength of your most Magnificent Immaculate Heart and the Unfathomable Merciful Love of Jesus your Son and our Brother, lay the greatest hope, where all things comes to light, leaving not a single lost soul consumed in the darkness seeking ruin. We your children pray the division of original sin created by Eve is made whole again by the unyielding devotion of Mary, our "Mother of Reconciliation," "Queen of Peace and Love". (Michael K. Jones, founder of Medjugorje USA)
The article below are excerpts from a media press conference (April 05, 2017) with Archbishop Henrky Hoser. Bishop Hoser's press conference confirms the findings written by Medjugorje USA’s founder Michael K. Jones on March 17, 2017. If you would like to read the article dated March 17, 2017, you can do so by clicking this link. http://www.medjugorjeusa.org/medjugorjeusaspeaksout.htm
Article Date: April 5, 2017
Picture: Archbishop Henryk Hoser
Vatican City announced on February 11, 2017, Pope Francis is sending a bishop to
Medjugorje to gain "deeper knowledge" of the pastoral needs of millions of
Catholics drawn there by reports of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The
apparitions began in June of 1981 and continue to this day. Vatican spokesman
Greg Burke said Saturday Polish Bishop Henryk Hoser's mission doesn't involve
deciding the merits of the reported apparitions to six children who are now
grown with families and still see the Virgin Mary. Bishop Hoser will study "the
needs of the faithful who go there on pilgrimage," and his mission, is to wrap
up by summer's end, has "exclusively pastoral character."
Archbishop Hoser was born in 1942. He was appointed Archbishop in 2005 by Pope John Paul II (1920 – 2005) He was again appointed on May 24, 2008 by Pope Benedict as head of the Dioceses of Warszawa-Praga in Poland.
On April 5, 2017, the special envoy (Archbishop Henryk Hoser) sent to Medjugorje by Pope Francis, conducted a near 50 minutes interview with the media. The interview took place in Medjugorje. Below is a brief summary from the interview. Wording has been changed to condense. The some total of important information from the interview remains intact.
Archbishop Hoser starts the interview stating, he is in Medjugorje for the pastoral and pilgrim needs for the future growth of Medjugorje. He tells the media, people going to Medjugorje discover extraordinary things. They discover peace of heart, spirituality and encounter sacred space and time, reserved for something divine. They rediscover prayer, something sacred and holy. Bishop Hoser says, Medjugorje is fertile ground and a large number of priests have been moved by events taking place there, "something new, touching in a special way."
Archbishop Hoser notes, since 1986 to April 5, 2017, 37 millions people have received Communion in Medjugorje. This figure is based on the record keeping of the local Medjugorje parish, Saint James. He also notes the number of visiting pilgrims are far greater than Communions received as he believes many pilgrims come to Medjugorje but do not take Communion. Related to this line of thought, later in his interview Archbishop Hoser notes; today there are many old Christian countries where people do not take Communion, Confess sins, offer Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament or pray The Way of the Cross. Bishop Hoser tells the media that when he was in Betaina he discovered the Way of the Cross had not been prayed there for 30 years. To the contrary, Bishop Hoser tells us, in Medjugorje, people come to the source. In Medjugorje, people extinguish their thirst for their Holy Faith of God. In Medjugorje, pilgrims discover prayer and all this takes place with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He adds, in Medjugorje, the focus is on the Virgin Mary, “The Queen of Peace.” He tells the media that 2 & 1/2 million faithful pilgrims come to Medjugorje every year.
Archbishop continues stating, there are things that have been created in Medjugorje (such as the great works of “Mother’s Village,”) which are worth visiting. He tells us, greatness of Medjugorje Franciscan Spiritual Retreats of silence and prayer have been enjoyed by 42 thousand priests. Seminars have been created each year for priests, married couples, doctors/medical professionals, Pro-Life, and the disabled, “showing the intensity of life that could be applied to other places.”
The Archbishop continues stating, "the reality of shrines these day are important so that the Holy Father (Pope Francis) has moved shrines of the Congregation from lay people to the Congregation of Evangelization." This is where Bishop Hoser notes old Christian countries that no longer practice Confession, Adoration, Way of the Cross and he also mentions many Christian countries no longer offer Rosary prayer.
Here is where Bishop Hoser offers a long description of the state of the world in war and suffrage, not included in this article. The short of this discussion is, "the political problems all around the world" and he states, "calling on The Queen of Peace is important, specifically in Medjugorje which is utterly important." He says, “Friends you should be carriers of this joyful news. You can say to the whole world, there is a light in Medjugorje and people can find the light again, because we need these spots of light in today’s world that is going down into darkness.” The Bishop adds that he would like people to sign up for seminars in Medjugorje, “So you will discover something that you would not be able to dream about.”
Here the Archbishop takes several questions from the media. Medjugorje USA only provide a few question and answer of importance.
Question: Where do you see everything going and where do you see Medjugorje?
Answer: Medjugorje is a new image of evangelization....
Question: Do you see a connection between Fatima and Medjugorje
Answer: They are similar with message of conversion
Note: Archbishop tells the media he has not viewed the reports of the 4th Medjugorje Commission’s findings, (completed January 17, 2014 and presented to "The Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith" for consideration.) He say’s, "It is not my job."
Note: Archbishop has already visited many of the Medjugorje points of interest, such as Mother's Village, and Apparition Hill. A pilgrim states, he himself broke down in tears when seeing the Archbishop on Apparition Hill. Pilgrim breaking down is understandable as we know it is Pope Francis who asked this Bishop to go to Medjugorje for the pastoral and other needs for visiting pilgrims. Seeing the envoy of Pope Francis on Apparition Hill is a special moment for all us believers who have kept the faith for now 36 years.
Comments from Medjugorje USA founder, Michael K. Jones
In my article of March 17, 2017, I note that even if a decision of the 4th Medjugorje Commission is not forthcoming from the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith that pilgrims in Medjugorje deserve to be treated with the proper needs of the faithful when visiting a diocese. The Bishop of Mostar (who does not believe in the Medjugorje apparitions) had taken many steps to stop all the good works taking place in Medjugorje, also noted in my March article. The Bishop of Mostar is the pastoral leader of Medjugorje. He has made considerable efforts to bring Medjugorje to ruin. The Bishop of Mostar has most certainly ignored the needs of the parish of St. James in Medjugorje as well as the faithful from around the world who come to the Bishop’s diocese for spiritual renewal and prayer. The visitation of Pope Francis’ envoy to Medjugorje is justification to the rights of the laity to pray where they will and offer good works and thoughts of hope for this world to Our Lady “The Queen of Peace,” which this world so desperately needs. We who believe are the messengers and apostles of love (Message to Medjugorje seer Mirjana April 2, 2017.) We are the carriers of the Evangelization of Peace and Love. We are, “The Children of Mary.”
April 2, 2017 Monthly Apparition Message to Mirjana
"Dear children, apostles of my love, it is up to you to spread the love of my Son to all those who have not come to know it; you, the little lights of the world, whom I am teaching with motherly love to shine clearly with full brilliance. Prayer will help you, because prayer saves you, prayer saves the world. Therefore, my children, pray with words, feelings, merciful love and sacrifice. My Son has shown you the way - He who became incarnate and made of me the first chalice, with His exalted sacrifice He has shown you how you need to love. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to change yourself and the world by spreading love, by doing everything for my Son to be known and loved by loving others in Him. As a mother I am always with you. I am imploring of my Son to help you for love to reign in your life - love that lives, love that draws, love which gives life. I am teaching you such love - pure love. It is up to you, my apostles, to recognize it, live it and spread it. Pray with feeling for your shepherds so that they can witness my Son with love. Thank you."
The article above confirms 100% that the article written by Medjugorje USA’s founder Michael K. Jones on March 17, 2017 is accurate. If you would like to read the article dated March 17, 2017 you can do so by clicking this link. http://www.medjugorjeusa.org/medjugorjeusaspeaksout.htm
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