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During the early days of the Medjugorje apparition, the seers hid at a spot in the bushes on Apparition Hill. There in a small hidden clearing was a blue cross where the seers would have their apparitions with Our Lady. Today the bushes are gone but a blue cross remains. On the second of each month seer Mirjana still goes to blue cross where she has an apparition with Our Lady. Thousands of pilgrims gather to be part of these monthly apparitions. Our Lady give a message for the world each month at blue cross which is translated into many different languages.
Our blue cross rosaries are made from 9mm round beads as seen in the picture on left. The cross is a standard oxidized crucifix. The centerpiece is doubled sided, the front side is Our Lady of Medjugorje and the back side is Jesus of the Divine Mercy. The Centerpiece was blessed by Our Lady in Medjugorje during the evening Mass at St. James.
We have a limited amount of these rosaries and they are a one time offer. When these rosaries are gone they are gone. We have only 01 left. Just $20.95 each.
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