Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa
An excellent book on Purgatory!
This book consists of 3 separate
works, including the Treatise on Purgatory, which may well be the most revealing
work ever written on Purgatory.
It explains the attitude of the Poor Souls, their sufferings and their joys,
plus the difference between the sufferings of Purgatory and those of Hell.
This great lay mystic reveals that the Gates of Heaven are actually wide open,
but that souls choose not to go there unless they are perfect. If they are
wicked (in mortal sin), they hurl themselves into Hell. If they die in the State
of Grace, but with sins yet unexpiated, they hasten to the appropriate place in
Purgatory. St. Catherine says that the sins we expiate in this life are paid for
at a very small price indeed compared to what we will pay in Purgatory. $12.50
Paper Cover: 328 pages.