Medjugorje Before and Now 1981-2019
By Michael K. Jones, founder of Medjugorje USA


Article Date May 23, 2019

After 3 failed Medjugorje Commissions, the forth Commission successfully completed its inquiry. As a result of 3 failed attempts, the Church’s usual investigative process of possible heavenly phenomena, would ultimately divide religious and laity alike. Despite the positive finding of the forth Commission, today there are many who remain opposed. To bring a balance of peace to numerous related conflicts, the Church would have to throw out the rule book and make a new.

These magnifications began in 1981. Yugoslavia was socialistic, even communistic country. It is certain the powers in government in 1981 had no great love of religion. This fact is contradictory as Yugoslavia was among many nations who signed “The Helsinki Agreement.” This Agreement allowed all religious fractions to practice their faith without fear of prosecution. Yugoslavia would violate The Helsinki Agreement in favor of ethic cleansing during civil war in the early 1990’s.

The war would leave thousands of innocents dead under the dictator Yugoslavia regime. Intervention would come from the U.S. and other countries till Socialistic Yugoslavia was brought to its knees. When all was said and done, Yugoslavia (who also tried to stop the apparition in Medjugorje) would be torn asunder. In ruins, Yugoslavia would vote itself out of existence. Meanwhile, Medjugorje still standing remained unscathed by civil war.    

In the beginning, the apparitions were wildly accepted, even among the local Bishop of the region. However Bishop Zanic would ultimately change his mind from believer to outspoken critic. Zanic became strongly disagreeable toward Medjugorje. Zanic even defied a letter requesting silence about Medjugorje, sent to him through the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishops by the head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith at the Vatican. For the remainder of his life, Zanic outspokenly showed his hatred for the apparitions never giving it a just due or proper investigation, as was his duty from the foundation of the first Commission of which Zanic was in charge..

Medjugorje was part of the Diocese of Mostar. Bishop Zanic was the reining authority in the region. Medjugorje found itself under attack not only by the government who wanted the apparitions to go away but Medjugorje but also suffered under the hand of Bishop Zanic who used his authority against his personal hatred for Medugorje. Yet somehow just as Medjugorje survived the civil wars, Medjugorje would also survive the local bishop’s hatred. It would also survive the hatred of the following bishop to succeed after Zanic died.

Per order of Church policy, it was the duty of Bishop Zanic to investigate the Medjugorje apparitions, as it would be the duty of any bishop in a place of claimed apparitions. Zanic put together a tainted Commission bringing about a negative finding against Medjugorje. This fact can not be disputed. American Ambassador to the United States (David Anderson) was asked by President Roland Regan to investigate claims of apparitions in Yugoslavia. The bios tainted Commission was discovered by David Anderson himself and his investigative team.

In classified document called, “Air Grams.” Anderson’s reports were sent to both the U.S. State Department as well as the Vatican. Receiving said documents, the Vatican found itself left with no choice but to reject the findings of Zanic’s tainted Commission. A second Commission would be formed. I myself was in touch with one member (never to be revealed) of this Commission who told me, “Most are in favor of the Medjugorje apparitions.” During this time, civil war had lead to the break away republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Medjugorje located in Herzegovina was now an independent region without a country.

Civil unrest continued in Yugoslavia. Meanwhile in Medjugorje, many religious and laity were angry at the Vatican for changing procedure for investigating claims apparitions. Standard procedure states apparition investigations claims are the soul responsibility of a local bishop. The Vatican does not involve itself in such matters. The reason the Vatican stands aloof is because if the Vatican approved an apparition that was later found to be fake, the laity of the Church would loose faith in the authority of the Church. However, if a single bishop of a region were to make such error, it would not reflect on the whole of the Church. Therefore, the Church would not loose face with the laity.

As result of Anderson’s “AirGram” the Vatican was fully aware the first Medjugorje Commission was tainted. However the religious and laity of the Church were not aware of the tainted Commission. For the Church to publicly release such information would only compound the situation, leaving both religious and laity loosing faith against the Church. The Vatican was left with no choice but to reject Bishop Zanic’s Medjugorje Commission because of David Anderson’s AirGram. The Vatican quickly requested the formation of a second Commission under authority of the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishops. This step would again distance the Vatican away from claimed apparitions.

Forming a second Commission, the Vatican was unpopular among many religious and laity of the Church as it broke from usually proper procedure. This caused discourse between many religious and laity who stood opposed to the Vatican’s change of procedure. Clearly the Vatican considered their decision to put the matter into the hands of the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishops and rejecting local Bishop Zanic’s findings of the first Commission was far better than to admit the findings of U.S. Ambassador David Anderson’s tainted first Commission.

Realizing or not, the Vatican’s move would only compound the problem as not only were religious and laity of the Church up in arms over the decision of the Vatican to throw out the findings of the first Commission (for the first time in history) but the Vatican threw the matter away to the very same tainted Commission within the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishops who stood opposed to the Medjugorje apparitions during the first Commission..

The second Commission given to the hands of the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishop which a number of bishops against the Medjugorje apparitions without any investigation or cause, provoked only more complaint among the few selected people who knew about members of the first tainted Commission would now be appointed to the second Commission, leaving the second Commission tainted before its formation, just like the first Commission.

The second Commission was deconstructed when Bosnia and Herzegovina became independent states, as the result of Yugoslavia’s civil ethnic war. The Church having no signed agreement for Catholic rights in these newly formed states, lead the way to close down the second Commission.

The third Commission was announced by Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, announced a commission would be formed to review the alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje and pastoral provisions for the thousands of pilgrims who visit the town each year. Cardinal Vinko stated, "I am awaiting suggestions from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" on theologians to appoint. But this commission will be under the (Bosnian) bishops' conference" as is the usual practice with alleged apparitions.” When asked if the new commission was the idea of the doctrinal congregation or of the bishops' conference, Cardinal Puljic said, "I would rather not answer that question."

Based on the information provided by Cardinal Puljic, it was clear enough that once again for the third time the Medjugorje Commission would be placed into the same hands to which U.S. Ambassador David Anderson Air Gram report pointed out were tainted with unbelief.

These things were again brought to the Vatican’s attention, by different means including my book (no longer in print) “Medjugorje Investigated.” The third Medjugorje Commission was short lived and the Vatican claimed they have no plans to investigate Medjugorje again till the apparitions were done with.

The Vaticn would change it’s mind about forming a new Commission as previous tainted Commission continued to be brought to the attention of the public. The Vatican was finding itself with no choice but to involve itself in matters of claimed apparitions to which the Vatican itself always avoids.

The Forth Commission was formed in March 2010. Although there were a few members of the Yugoslavia Conference of Bishop there were a varity of Marian experest selected from other countries to form what became known at the “Independent Commission.” All evidence collected, and evaluated, the forth Commission completed their investigation and handed their finding to Pope Francis on January 17, 2014.

Unable to investigate hundreds of apparitions dating back to 1981, the forth Commission did determine the first several apparitions are worthy of belief. As for the rest of the apparitions an investigation would continue.

Upon his passing Bishop Zanic, a friend of his, Bishop Bishop Ratko Peric would succeed him as Bishop over the region which included the apparition site of Medjugorje. Much like Zanic Bishop Peric was extremely outspoken against Medjugorje to newspapers and interviews, in a book he wrote and even at the pulpit of Saint James Church in Medjugorje itself. He enforced strong rules over Medjugorje in what many felt to be harmful to the community of Medjugorje and pilgrims alike.

Eventually the Vatican would again step in. In 2018, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Hoser as special envoy to Medjugorje and later Hoser would be named apostolic visitor to Medjugorje. As Apostolic Overseer of Medjugorje this passage would supersede Bishop Peric’s control over the hamlet of Medjugorje, giving Peric little if no authority or control over the happenings of Medjugorje.

Although pilgrims have gone to Medjugorje since 1981 in the millions, There was no official announcement that allowed pilgrims to visit Medjugorje. The fruits of Medjugorje since 1981 till even now have proven Medjugorje is a Mecca for many who’s lives have changed forever for the better as result of Our Lady, “Queen of Peace,” who has come to Medjugorje.

In a May 12, 2019 statement from interim spokesman Alessandro Gisotti said, “the Holy Father has stipulated that it is possible to organize pilgrimages to Medjugorje.” However, the Vatican said studies into the authenticity of the alleged apparitions are still ongoing, and that the pope’s move must not be interpreted “as an authentication of the noted happenings, which still require an examination by the Church.

 Our Previous Articles Making Foundation For this Current Article

Medjugorje News for 2019

(Pope Francis Say's People Can Form Pilgrimages to Medjugorje/Medjugorje from 1981 to 2018)
(Archbishop Hoser Announces Medjugorje Shrine to Expand, January 7, 2019)

Medjugorje News for 2018

(Medjugorje Envoy Say's, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje Are Similar Oct. 8, 2018)
Archbishop Hoser Says it is Time to Expand The Good Works of Medjugorje September 20, 2018
Archbishop Henryk Hoser Appointed to Medjugorje Indefinitely May 31, 2018 
Medjugorje Author Wayne Weible Passes Away in Hospice April 22, 2018

Medjugorje News for 2017

Pope Sends Special Guest to Medjugorje for Youth Festival August 7, 2017
Pope Fires Doctrine of Faith Leader Gerard Mueller, Likely Over Medjugorje, July 2, 2017 
Pope Sends Bishop to Medjugorje February 11, 2017
Medjugorje USA Speaks Out About Bishop's Recent Negative Medjugorje Comments March/April, 2017
Reasonable Possible Conclusions of Forth Medjugorje Commission Findings April 5, 2017
Archbishop Henryk Hoser Medjugorje Conference Transcripts April 5, 2017
Archbishop Henryk Hoser Medjugorje Conference II April 5, 2017
Medjugorje USA Response to Pope Francis Medjugorje Media Interview May 13, 2017
Medjugorje Findings Released to Public May 17, 2017
Vatican Likely to Approve First 7 Medjugorje Apparitions as Supernatural in Nature August 20, 2017

Medjugorje Commission and Related Information

April 05, 2017, Reasonable Possible Conclusions of Forth Medjugorje Commission Findings (2010-2014)
June 7, 2015, Pope Francis Says Decision of Medjugorje Soon to Come, Includes, Info on Medjugorje Commissions & Possible Conclusions
4th Medjugorje Commission Completed/Possibilities Considered/Facts & Conclusions
Medjugorje Vatican Report
4th Vatican Commission Completed While Faithful Wait Decision
Official Vatican Release, 4th Medjugorje Commission Work Completed
The Choices of the 4th "Independent" Medjugorje Commission
4 Medjugorje Commissions Later, the Short Version
Copy of Document from Vatican Stopping Medjugorje Seer Ivan’s Speaking Engagements in U.S
Vatican Bans Medjugorje Seer From Speaking In U.S. Parishes---The Questions, Facts and Concerns

Related Articles Below

How the United Sates Became Interested in Medjugorje
All Four Medjugorje Commissions in Brief (with updates) 1989- 2017)
Forth Medjugorje Commission Begins Why Others Have Failed
Book "Medjugorje Investigated" Once Again Confirmed Correct by Apparition Expert
Why did Vatican form new Commission to investigate apparitions for first time in history

Older Articles Below

Some articles below are linked in other article below. As of Jan. 31, 2013 this page is the only one that contains all our articles on the Medjugorje Commissions.  

ARTICLE ONE: The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reevaluated process of apparitions 1974-1978

ARTICLE TWO: General information on rules and duties of commissions appointed to investigate apparitions based on "The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" reevaluation criteria for discerning apparitions & revelations (1974-1978), Information of the the first and second Medjugorje commissions.

ARTICLE THREE: Third Medjugorje Commission

ARTICLE FOUR: About New Commission 07

ARTICLE FIVE: Shocking Truth of Medjugorje Commissions

ARTICLE SIX: Announcement of Forth Medjugorje Commission

ARTICLE SEVEN: Forth Medjugorje Commission

ARTICLE EIGHT: 4 Medjugorje Commissions Later, the Short Version

ARTICLE NINE:  The Choices of the 4th "Independent" Medjugorje Commission

ARTICLE TEN:  Vatican Commission to Report on Medjugorje Apparitions in 2012 #1

ARTICLE ELEVEN:  Vatican Commission to Report on Medjugorje Apparitions in 2012 #2

ARTICLE TWELVE: Bishop Peric Speaks Out in Medjugorje While Vatican Releases Guidelines for Investigating Apparitions

ARTICLE THIRTEEN: NEW January 2013 (The Choices of the Fourth Investigating Commission)

ARTICLE FOURTEEN: NEW January 2013 (Medjugorje Commission President Say's a Decision of the Apparitions are Coming Soon)


Brief Biographies of All Members of the 4th Medjugorje "International" Commission

2013 Picture Copy of Vatican Stop Order Against Ivan's Speaking Engagement


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