Lady of Fatima of the Rosary
By Naima Panow, MD, FRCS
(This article includes some most unusual photos)
As seen in the second picture below of the Fatima statue though smiling slightly the lips of the statue of Our Lady are not parted, yet in the first picture presented at one point Our Lady was smiling opening Her mouth enough to see Her teeth. Both picture were taking of the same exact statue on the same day with the same camera. Statues of Our Lady of Fatima are not made showing teeth.
Close up with lips parted and teeth showing.
pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima while touring in Oregon.
We were blessed last March to receive the statue at the Holy Rosary Church in Portland Oregon. On March 10, 2007, the statue was taken to _Our Lady of Peace Retreat house in Beaverton, Oregon.
After the celebration mass, I noticed there is a smaller statue of Our Lady of Fatima dressed with beautiful blue and white flowers decorating the statue.
One of the friends told me, I am going to have Our Lady in my house for this week.
That surprised me and asked her what, should I do to get the statue in my house.
Talking to the nun she told me, There are close to 23 names ahead of you. But we would try our best.” I was disappointed but still blessed to put my name on the list.
The Sunday after, I had a call from the owner of the statue asking me, if I can accept Our Lady in my house for a week. Then she said, I know it is a short notice but the house who would be next to receive the statue, never answered my three messages.
I was so exited and very happy to receive Our Lady to bless my house. With in ten minutes I cleared one side table covered with a very nice Italian marble. I know the statue is very large close to 4-5 feet.
I covered the table with the best tablecloth made of linen with embroidery all white.
I called some friends to help me, welcome the statue to my house and pray with us.
The Statue, was carried in to be placed on the table. I had tears in my eyes because, my own mother, was not given a US visa in 1990 to come and visit me. None of the Iraqis, were given a visa although my mother was around 76 years old and tried for three months to have the chance to get the visa in April and May of 1990.
I guess, the plan for the Gulf war was already planed before Saddam invaded Kuwait in August 1990.
The owner of the statue, their friend and my friends said the rosary and welcomed the statue with me. I thanked them to give me the chance to receive the statue so soon especially there were more than 23 names ahead of me. I guess Our Lady wanted to be with me especially this time.
The next day I noticed Our Lady did not have the scapula. I did place another crystal rosary around her hands and the placed my new Scapula around her blessed hands.
A new candle, was lit in front of the statue. All the candles, were blessed at- The Holy Rosary Church. Within less than twenty minutes, I noticed something is changing in the wick of the candle.
In the middle of the flame, I noticed a ball like space with two parts connected with a string like an object. Being an OB/GYN doctor, I thought it looks like a fetus within the uterus, with the cord attached. Picture # 1
The wick changed again and this time there was a clear picture of two separate parts one on each side of the wick but still with in the flame. Picture # 2
The wick changed again, I noticed the two separate pieces start leaving the flame and I took one picture which shows, the reflection on the wax bellow. To me it looks like a broken egg shell to allow the new born leaving the egg. Picture # 3
Close to three hours later the two separate pieces were more clear like the two parts of the Scapula. Picture # 4
I knelt down and said my Rosary thanking Our Lady for blessing my house and reminding me I should always ware the Scapula day and night.
Mr. Michael Jones, the webmaster of, www.medjugorjeusa.org said, to him he could see the Immaculate Heart of Mary on one side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the other side. The dark part is the heart and the bright red around the heart is the glow.
Below are also a couple of other unusual picture that came from the candle flame, of crucifixes.
I did take the pictures to Fr Anthony M. Patalano, O.P. the pastor of the Holy Rosary. He looked at the pictures and did not say any thing for a few minutes, then said, “This is very interesting.” I am sure he was surprised as much as I was.
I am blessed and hope one day the other Christians would believe that Mary the Mother of Jesus would be accepted in their heart.
The Moslems believe in Mary and they call her the Virgin Mary or the mother of Essa.
Essa in Arabic means Jesus.
According to one Moslem celebrating the Annunciation day with the priests, “Mary is the only female mentioned in the Koran.” There is a special chapter in the Koran called- The chapter of Mary. They believe God sent a whole team of Angels to announce to Mary, she would be pregnant by The Holy Spirit. The Moslem Imam said, Gabriel alone is sent to a prophet but Mary is more important and that is why God set the team of Angels.
God bless you all
Naima Panow, MD, FRCS
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