Gifts From Around The World
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Shipping Info
Domestic customers, you can now confirm and track your packages online! After your package is shipped, we send your number by email with a copy of your purchase order. Visit USPS to confirm/track your number online.
Amount in USD
Shipping Charge
$0 to $9.99
$5.95 (USPS First Class or Parcel Post depending on weight)
$10.00 to $29.99
$6.95 (USPS First Class or Parcel Post depending on weight)
$30.00 to $49.99
$12.95 (USPS First Class or Parcel Post depending on weight)
$50.00 to $99.99 $19.95
(Includes upgrade 2 to 3 day shipping by USPS Priority Mail and includes
our free gift promotions for orders over $50.00)
$100.00 and up
$24.95 (Includes upgrade 2 to 3 day shipping by USPS Priority Mail
and includes our free gift promotions for orders over $50.00)
The above shipping costs are based on amount purchased and not volume or weight. 99% of all online business ship by amount purchased. Occasionally the weight and or volume of an order will exceed the domestic shipping charges listed above. If this happens, you may receive an email from us asking an addition shipping fee to process your order. If you disagree with the additional shipping request, you may cancel your order for a full refund. It is not our intent to make money off of shipping, though sometimes that happens. We only try to cover our costs for a large variety of selected merchandise with thousands of different weights to consider. Depending on weight, international orders may require an extra shipping charge as current shipping scale is set for domestic sales only. All domestic orders will be shipped with a free online tracking confirmation number so you can check your order online, with exception of flat packages. International orders will need contact us requesting insurance or other services prior to purchase, to protect your order during shipping. We do not take responsibility for any orders shipped internationally without insurance. All orders will receive an invoice via email for all transactions, once your order has been filled and shipped. We do not include an invoice in your shipped order because we have gone "Green." Cutting needless waste, your invoice will be sent by email. We also recycle clean packaging, when possible. If you want to know more about how we have gone green, click here All media products (books, DVD's etc) are shipped by media mail only, superseding any promotion or special offers. Domestic Saving Tip: Sometimes it is cost effective to place two smaller orders rather to place one, offering you a small savings on shipping charges. These possible savings may or may not apply, based on the amount purchased. If you are able to save by placing two order, we will combine your order into one shipment, if possible. If combined orders exceeds $50.00 purchase, free upgrade shipping or free gift promotions do not apply.
Send us an email with a list of the items you would like to buy. We will contacted you (via email) with your order, totals and mailing information.
If you would like to
write Medjugorje USA
Please do not click on added shipping charges below unless you place an order which requires us to contact you requesting additional shipping. You will not see the full amount total till you are checking out. The added charge will appear as part order and part shipping.
# 1 Clicking the "Add to Cart " button below will add a total of $6.95 to your credit card.
# 2 Clicking the "Add to Cart" button below will add a total of $9.95 to your credit card.
# 3 Clicking the "Add to Cart" button below will add a total of $13.95 to your credit card.
# 4 Clicking the "Add to Cart" button below will add a total of $15.95 to your credit card.
# 5 Clicking the "Add to Cart" button below will add a total of $18.95 to your credit card.
# 6 Clicking the "Add to Cart" button below will add a total of $26.95 to your credit card.